STC Achievement Plans

South Texas College

Interdisciplinary Studies - AA   

Interdisciplinary Studies Field of Study - Associate of Arts

The Associate of Arts Degree field of study in Interdisciplinary Studies provides students with a broad-based education in "college basics" that promotes critical thinking skills and allows for an opportunity to make an informed choice in educational preferences.

The program offers transferable field of study selections in arts and humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, computer applications, and mathematics. This field of study is an excellent transfer program that can be used towards the successful completion of a Baccalaureate Degree in any field.

To learn more in regard to the courses associated with this degree, please click on the links below. 
associate of arts_interdisciplinary studies_english speakers.pdf
associate of arts_interdisciplinary studies_spanish speakers.pdf

Interdisciplinary Studies - AS

Interdisciplinary Studies Field of Study - Associate of Science

The Associate of Science Degree field of study in Interdisciplinary Studies provides students with a broad-based education in “college basics” that promotes critical thinking skills and allows for an opportunity to make an informed choice in educational preferences.

The program offers transferable field of study selections in life science, physical science, computer applications, engineering, mathematics, and allied health sciences. This flexibility aspect of the field of study for this degree allows students the ability to develop individualized transfer pathways that can be used towards the successful completion of a Baccalaureate Degree in any science related discipline. Students are strongly advised to work closely with a student success specialist, program chair, or faculty advisor to select the courses and to map the course sequence needed for their specific academic interest.

To learn more in regard to the courses associated with this degree, please click on the links below. 
associate of science_interdisciplinary studies_ english speakers.pdf
associate of science_interdisciplinary studies_spanish speakers.pdf

Source: South Texas College Website (