Welcome to a new and exciting school year at the Sharyland Advanced Academic Academy! We are looking forward to our first Graduating Class. As you will note from our Campus Mission Statement, we are committed to providing support and guidance to our students as they embark on their journey towards post-secondary education. Our focus is to ensure that each and every student has an opportunity to exit our school with both a high school diploma and an associate degree. With the encouragement and dedication of our faculty and staff and with the support of our parents and our community, we can surely attain this goal.
Not only is our focus to prepare students with a rigorous and challenging curriculum equivalent to university level coursework, but to ensure that they are courteous, respectful, young adults who will be outstanding members of our community and workforce.
Our support and guidance will begin with every freshman enrolled in our College Transition Course. Through this course, students will receive instruction which will prepare them for the college entrance exam, known as the Texas Success Initiative, as well as an emphasis on organization and study skills, test-taking skills, and other pertinent activities to prepare them for college life. Additionally, we will offer participation in clubs and organizations to ensure our students become well-rounded individuals and work towards giving back to their school and community.
In partnership with STC, we will strive to provide students with a strong academic foundation that will ensure success at any academic level. We will put our best efforts forward to make certain that every child graduates from Sharyland A3 with a high school degree and an associate degree and continues their post-secondary education to the highest level possible. We will work diligently to fulfill our campus motto: "A college degree within reach of every student."