Pietrzak Isaac, Social Studies
Dual Credit: U.S. History-Rm. 204

My name is Isaac Gabriel Pietrzak and I am the Dual Credit U.S. History and Social Studies Instructor at SA3.
I have 24 years teaching experience, having taught 3 1/2 years in Monterrey, Mexico and 22 years in Texas. I graduated from Hidalgo High School in 1994 and promptly went to Texas A&M College Station. My degrees include a Bachelors in International Studies from Texas A&M University. I received a Masters Degree in History with a focus on Latin America History and Borderland Studies from the University of Texas: Pan American (now UTRGV) and completed my Doctoral Coursework in American History with a focus on Chicanx Education and Borderland Studies at the University of Houston. I have been teaching at South Texas College since 2009 as both an adjunct and dual enrollment instructor. I have had the opportunity to teach U.S. History 1301/1302 and Mexican American History 2327/2328.
I am certified as a Social Studies Composite teacher (6-12) and have taught World Geography, World History, and U.S. History at all academic levels (Honors, AP, DC respectively).
As my eleventh year at Sharyland I.S.D. I look forward to filling my classes with rigor, relevance, and fun. I strive to share my love of History with my students and colleagues.