Teacher Schedule

SA3  FALL 2024:
Sharyland Advanced Academic Academy
Room 227:

Block 1:  Pre-Cal/College Algebra Dual Credit (STC)
Block 2:  Pre-Cal/College Algebra Dual Credit (STC)
Block 3:  Pre-Cal/College Algebra Dual Credit (STC)
Block 4:  Path 3:Career/College Prep Class
Block 5:  Conference

Tutoring as needed daily M-Th after school. (Late busses M-Th will take students home.)

TSI/SAT/ACT Math Tutoring Wednesdays after school.

STC Office Hours T & Th 7:30AM

Chess Club Tuesdays after school.  Tournaments (optional) on several weekends.

SA3 NHS 2nd Thursday of the month after school.

FCA:  Wednesday Mornings 7:30AM
                                           Student Geometry Computer.png